
It’s Not About Rules, It’s About Identity
Listen to me on this—purity isn’t about legalism, and it’s not about how close you can get to the line without falling over. It’s not a checklist. It’s not behavior modification. It’s identity.
See, the problem is, we’ve made purity a conversation about what we shouldn’t do rather than a revelation of who we are. We’ve been sold this weak version of Christianity that treats purity like a restrictive prison instead of a protection of intimacy. That’s why people struggle—they’re fighting to maintain purity rather than be pure. You’re trying to keep yourself from failing instead of realizing you were never made for compromise in the first place.
You are not a slave to lust. You are not bound by your past. You are not just a “sinner saved by grace” barely keeping it together. You are the righteousness of God in Christ. You are a temple of the Holy Spirit. You are a son, a daughter—fully claimed, fully loved, fully free.
Purity is the fruit of knowing whose you are.
The reason so many people wrestle with purity is because they don’t actually believe they are beloved. They don’t see themselves through the lens of a redeemed identity. If you think of yourself as broken, unworthy, and prone to failure, of course you’re going to struggle. But if you see yourself as someone who has been completely washed, completely made new, then purity stops being a battle and starts being the overflow of knowing Him.
Jesus didn’t just save you from hell—He restored you to intimacy with the Father. And that intimacy naturally produces purity. Why? Because when you live in His presence, when you know Him deeply, you don’t want anything that separates you from Him. You start craving what He craves. You start hating what He hates. Not because you’re afraid of punishment, but because you love Him too much to settle for less.
Purity isn’t just about sex.
We love to narrow purity down to just physical boundaries, but that’s a shallow perspective. Purity is a heart posture. It’s about being undivided in your devotion. It’s about your thoughts, your desires, your motives, your affections. A pure heart isn’t just one that avoids sin—it’s one that is fully His.
Psalm 24:3-4 says, “Who may ascend the hill of the Lord? Who may stand in His holy place? The one who has clean hands and a pure heart.” Purity is access. It’s what keeps your connection to Him unhindered. If your heart is diluted—if it’s compromised by pride, bitterness, lust, greed, self-centeredness—then you can’t fully walk in the closeness you were designed for.
Purity isn’t about loss. It’s about fulfillment.
Religion makes purity look like deprivation—like God is keeping something from you. That’s a lie. Purity is what protects the fullness of what God actually has for you. Every boundary He sets, every principle He gives, is for your freedom, not your restriction.
You think you’re missing out? No. The ones who chase after their own desires at the expense of purity are the ones settling. They’re the ones trading real intimacy for counterfeits. Purity ensures that when God gives you something—whether it’s a relationship, a calling, an opportunity—it’s untainted, uncorrupted, exactly as He designed it to be.
Live from identity, not effort.
If you walk away with anything, hear this: Purity isn’t something you achieve by striving—it’s something you walk in because of who you are. The moment you believe you are beloved, fully accepted, fully whole in Him, purity will flow naturally. You won’t have to force yourself to do better, try harder, or constantly manage your failures. You’ll just live from a place of intimacy, and that intimacy will guard you from ever wanting anything less than Him.
So stop fighting for purity like it’s something you have to earn. Receive it. Walk in it. Own it. Because that is who you really are.
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