The Love of God

Fierce, Unrelenting, and Unstoppable
We have softened the love of God to something passive, something delicate, something that fits neatly into our fragile religious boxes. We have reduced it to a feeling—some sentimental, fleeting emotion that comes and goes based on how well we behave or how we think He perceives us. We treat it like it is conditional, like we have to earn it or keep from losing it. But God’s love is not some weak, passive force. It is fierce. It is unrelenting. It is a consuming fire that cannot be tamed.
When Moses stood before the burning bush, he saw a picture of God’s love. Flames that burned but did not consume. A presence that commanded reverence and fear yet called a man into intimacy. That is the love of God. It is not a safe thing. It is not a thing to be domesticated. It is a love that moves with power, that shakes the earth, that breaks chains and consumes every false identity we have built for ourselves.
The Love That Hunts You Down
You did not find God. He found you. You were not searching for Him. He was hunting you down. If you think you somehow worked your way into the love of God, you are still blind. Romans 5:8 makes it clear. “God demonstrates His own love for us in this. While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” While we were still wretched. While we were still running. While we were still spitting in His face. He loved us then. Not the future version of us. Not the cleaned up, more obedient, more disciplined version. The rebel. The addict. The liar. The self righteous. The broken.
This is not some passive affection. This is a pursuing love that does not stop, does not get tired, does not walk away when you fail. It is the love of the Shepherd who leaves the ninety nine to chase after the one. Not because the one deserves it. Not because the one is worth more than the ninety nine. But because love does not rest while even one is lost.
The Love That Destroys Your Chains
We love the idea of God’s love as a warm embrace, a gentle whisper. And it is. But it is also a love that wages war. A love that burns through every stronghold, every lie, every demonic assignment against your life. The love of God does not just comfort. It conquers. It does not just heal. It overthrows.
Look at the cross. That was not a mild expression of love. That was a violent, brutal, bloody war against sin and death. Jesus did not just die. He was torn apart, humiliated, crushed under the weight of wrath, and He did it with joy. Why? Because love does not sit back. Love does not tolerate bondage. Love pays the highest price to set captives free.
You think your sin is too strong? You think your past is too heavy? The love of God laughs at every chain that tries to keep you bound. When Jesus stepped out of the grave, He shattered every argument against you. He silenced the accuser. The blood speaks a better word than your shame, your guilt, and your self hatred.
The Love That Demands Everything
We love talking about how God’s love saves us. But we do not like talking about how God’s love ruins us. The kind of love that sets you free is the same love that demands everything from you. Jesus never said, “Come as you are and stay as you are.” He said, “Deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow Me.”
God’s love will strip you. It will wreck your comfort. It will drive out every idol. It will demand your full surrender. It will cost you everything, but it will give you more than you ever thought possible. This is the love that turns drug addicts into preachers. The love that transforms prostitutes into daughters. The love that turns murderers into apostles. The love that takes a broken, rejected orphan and seats him at the King’s table.
If the love of God has not ruined your life in the best possible way, you have not encountered it yet. Because when you truly see it, when you come face to face with the terrifying, all consuming fire of His love, there is no going back. You will burn for Him. You will give Him everything.
This is not a love to be understood from a distance. It is a love to be experienced in the depths of surrender. He is not after your behavior. He is after your heart. And when He has it, nothing will be the same.
So stop running. Stop resisting. Let Him love you. And let that love undo you, rebuild you, and send you into the fire of a life fully abandoned to Him.
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