The Veil Was Torn

The Blood In and the Blood Out
The Two Veils Torn by Jesus
Introduction: The Veil Was Torn—Twice
Jesus didn’t just tear one veil, He tore two. One at His entrance into the world and one at His exit. The first veil was the womb of Mary; the second was the temple veil at His crucifixion. One released Him into the earth to bring salvation, the other released us into the Holy of Holies to walk in it. Both were covered in blood and water—the blood and water in at birth, the blood and water out at death.
This wasn’t coincidence. It was a declaration, a war cry, a breaking of barriers that had stood since the fall. And the enemy hates that reality. Because if you ever actually get this—if you ever see what Jesus did when He tore those veils—you will never again live another day like you’re distant from God.
The torn veil isn’t just an invitation to intimacy; it’s a permanent shift. There is nothing separating you anymore. No religion, no law, no sin, no shame—nothing.
But most believers still live like there’s a wall between them and God. They still act like there’s a veil. Like they have to fight their way in.
I’m telling you right now—that is a lie. The veil is gone. The barrier is gone. You either believe that or you don’t. So let’s walk through this, and I pray the Holy Spirit wrecks every religious stronghold in your mind.
The First Veil: The Blood and Water In
Matthew 1:23 — “Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel.”
Before Jesus ever took His first breath in a manger, He had to pass through a veil. The womb of Mary wasn’t just a biological reality—it was a prophetic act. A womb is a veil that separates the unseen from the seen, the spiritual from the physical. It didn’t open easily. It was torn.
Listen, birth is violent. It’s messy. It’s covered in blood and water.
Blood and Water in Childbirth: A Prophetic Picture
Every single birth is marked by two things:
• The breaking of water.
• The shedding of blood.
This was the blood in—the blood that marked Jesus’ entry into the world. The water represents cleansing and new life. The blood represents sacrifice and covenant.
Before He ever shed His blood on the cross, He shed it in birth. From the moment He entered the world, His entire life was prophesying the cross.
John 3:5 — “Unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.”
Jesus wasn’t just talking about baptism—He was talking about Himself. He was born into the world through blood and water so that we could be born into the Kingdom through blood and water.
Think about it—Jesus came through the veil of Mary’s womb, and what happened? Heaven invaded earth. Divinity stepped into flesh. The invisible became visible.
God was saying, “I am stepping into your reality.”
His birth wasn’t sterile. It wasn’t polished. It was messy, it was painful, it was bloody, and it was a barrier-breaking moment. He had to step through a veil and into the war.
The Second Veil: The Blood and Water Out
Matthew 27:50-51 — “And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice and yielded up his spirit. And behold, the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom.”
If the womb was the first veil, then the temple veil was the last. The first veil brought God into man; the second veil brought man into God.
The temple veil wasn’t just some curtain hanging in a doorway. This thing was massive—60 feet high, thick enough that teams of oxen couldn’t rip it apart. It was the physical barrier between God’s presence and humanity.
And the moment Jesus’ blood poured out, that thing didn’t just fall—it was ripped apart.
Blood and Water From His Side
John 19:34 — “But one of the soldiers pierced his side with a spear, and at once there came out blood and water.”
Tell me you see it.
• At birth, blood and water were released from His mother.
• At death, blood and water were released from His side.
The blood and water at His birth marked His entry into humanity.
The blood and water at His death marked our entry into divinity.
This is full-circle redemption.
Think back to Adam. When God put Adam into a deep sleep, He opened his side and took out a bride. And here’s Jesus—the Last Adam—put to sleep in death, His side pierced open, and what comes out? The birth of the Church. The release of the Bride.
Blood and water. The first Adam. The last Adam. The first birth. The final birth.
The Blood In, The Blood Out: A Full-Circle Revelation
Everything about Jesus’ life was about opening a way:
• The first veil allowed Him to step into our reality.
• The second veil allowed us to step into His.
The blood and water at birth? Redemption begun.
The blood and water at death? Redemption complete.
Why Does This Matter for You?
Here’s why the enemy doesn’t want you to understand this: because as long as you believe there’s still a veil, you’ll live like an outsider. You’ll pray like you’re trying to get in. You’ll worship like you’re trying to be accepted.
But listen to me—the veil is already gone.
• You don’t have to fight for access. The price has been paid.
• You don’t have to beg for intimacy. The way is already open.
The cross wasn’t just about getting you out of hell—it was about getting you back to the Father.
Walking in the Reality of the Torn Veil
Too many believers are still living like there’s a wall between them and God. Like they’re on the outside looking in. But if you are in Christ, the veil is not in front of you—it’s behind you.
Stop Approaching God Like a Beggar
• You are not fighting for access—you have access.
• The veil was torn, and you don’t need a high priest standing between you and God anymore.
Live in the Holy of Holies
• The presence of God is not a place you visit—it’s where you live.
• You don’t step in and out of His presence based on how well you perform—the veil is gone. The way is open.
Stop Trying to Sew the Veil Back Up
• Religion will try to put the veil back in place with rules, legalism, and shame.
• The cross permanently removed the separation—don’t live like you’re still trying to earn access.
Are You Living on the Right Side of the Veil?
The blood in. The blood out. The first veil. The second veil.
Jesus tore the veil. Jesus made a way. But listen—the real question is: Are you walking in it?
Because some of you are still living like there’s a barrier. Some of you are still drowning in guilt, shame, and striving—acting like you have to fight your way into His presence.
The veil was torn—twice.
The blood has been shed—twice.
There is no more separation. No more distance. No more waiting for permission. The Father is not waiting for you in a place you can’t reach—He’s waiting in a place you already belong.
So step through. The veil is open. The way is made.
The only question is—are you living like it?
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